Ávalon o Avalón es el nombre de una isla legendaria de la mitología celta en algún lugar de las islas Británicas donde, según la leyenda, La espada de Arturo fue forjada y donde se recuperó de sus heridas. Habitan nueve reinas hadas; entre ellas, Morgana.
El Santo Grial es el plato o copa usado por Jesucristo en la Última Cena.
Mordred es un personaje de la mitología celta, hijo incestuoso del Rey Arturo y Morgause, conocido por haber sido muerto por el Rey Arturo.
what was missing in this poem was talking, perhaps about the past, and do not talk at any time that.The speaking in the poem could be the wizard Merlin and King Arthur speaks. Afraid Merlin talks wistfully about the future king ...
The title can associate with a word called erosion, ie, over time lies everybody equally ...
Avalon or Avalon is the name of a legendary Celtic mythology island somewhere in the British Isles where, according to legend, Arthur's sword was forged and where he recovered from his wounds. Inhabit nine fairy queens, among them Morgan.
The Holy Grail is the dish or cup used by Jesus at the Last Supper.
Mordred is a character in Celtic mythology, the incestuous son of King Arthur and Morgause, known to have been killed by King Arthur.
Why your title? You´ll explain it tomorrow, won´t you!!! the past is ever-present in the poem since ALL THE CHARACTERS belong to the past!!!!Connect DEATH-EROS-VINDICTIVE the tile of the post to find THE TOPIC!!!